★ Take the Service Pledge ★
We believe in the power of service to transform not only our community but also ourselves. While all SGA-sponsored opportunities are voluntary, we encourage all students to embrace experiences that foster hands-on learning, personal growth, and a deeper commitment to public service. As an incentive, all current students who complete the minimum requirements listed below will receive special recognition, including a gradation cord, for your commitment to service.
Requirements for 2024 graduates: Students expecting to graduate in 2024 must complete at least 25 hours of service and attend at least 3 SGA-hosted (social or service) events in the 2023-2024 school year of Clinton School enrollment to qualify for graduation cords.
Requirements for 2025+ graduates: Students expecting to graduate in 2025+ must complete at least 50 hours of service and attend at least 5 SGA-hosted (social or service) events throughout their years of Clinton School enrollment to qualify for graduation cords.